Like some people who will read this, I teach high-school French. And like nearly everyone who will read this, I…

Tweet tweet
Clicking here will lead you to a separate tab which will display the Twitter task that Lindsay and I worked…

The Mighty Overhead Projector
My hope is that the following images will answer the required questions, but feel encouraged to leave a comment if…
565 – Educational Media Ecologies
Media ecology, from the Media Ecology Association’s own website, “is the study of media, technology, and communication and how they affect…
I’ve been a touch liberal with the word text in including audio and video, but I’m backed up BCs new…
Lynx – 6
I had a look at Emma Pindera’s speculative future for this linking assignment. She and I both went down the…
What if instead of being driven by the almighty dollar, there was some consideration paid to how things affect people….
As Will Smith has often said, “AW HELLLLL NO!” I got, apparently, 1:31 into that maddening site before I said…