The Presidential Debate Video

Posted by: | January 27, 2010 | 1 Comment

Voting is now open. Cast your ballot now!

Insiders would like to offer a huge thanks to our partner, the Ubyssey, the moderator, Geoff Costeloe, the hosts, the UBC Centre for Student Involvement, and our supporters, AMS Elections. We saw an attendance of over 70 live in the house in this first-ever event.

Note: the video freezes in the first four seconds. If you wait for about 20 seconds thereafter, it resumes. Alternative, you can skip ahead a tiny fraction of seconds and it will play faster. Also, the video began late, and is missing an introduction by the hosts to the Centre for Student Involvement, as well as half of the presentation of the themes.


1 Comment so far

  1. Alex Lougheed on January 28, 2010 12:41 pm

    Interesting aside: This post marks UBC Insider’s 500th post since the beginning!

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