Confident about 2014?

Why are we confident?

In a recently released Small Business Confidence Report by the Bank of Montreal, it can be seen that numerous small businesses are more optimistic about 2014.

The Facts

In the past couple of years, the bad economy has affected all the businesses; however, the index of confidence for small businesses has been gradually increasing through the past few years. The fact that 46 percent of businesses plan on hiring more employees is great; less people will be unemployed and there were be a better distribution of income.


Prospects of 2014

I feel like in the coming year, with more effort and more hope in these companies and industries, the economy will be better. Less families will be tight on money and the country will become a little more prosperous than before. The fact that 76 percent of the businesses plan to upgrade equipment, and 45 percent of businesses plan to upgrade technology and systems means that they are either increasing their production or they are introducing a new product. This desire of upgrading hints that the businesses are earning enough money to expand and invest more into capital and others. Although these businesses will come across competitors and other barriers to entry, I believe that next year will turn out to be more successful than the last.

Read more into it at :



Image References:

BMO, Bank of Montreal. Digital image. Beach BIA –. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct.                2013. <,-Bank-of-Montreal>.

Canadian Business Remaining Confident. Digital image. CREBNow RSS.                    N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2013. <                    business-remaining-confident/>.


What’s a great money earning strategy? Cybersquatting!

I have to say, it is a very smart notion; buying and securing domains that big companies would want is a good investment. Even though it creates a lot of trouble for the big companies, it is very profitable for the person that the company would have to buy the domain from.



Although reading the fine print may be hard, it is best to read it anyway, just in case one day you need to take an issue to court. The majority of people, if not everyone, usually just check the “I agree” box without actually reading what they’re agreeing to; I admit, I don’t put in the time to read the fine print either. This article illustrates a lady, Katerina Braverman, who loses her website to her former business partner. As of recent, her partner had taken the site and changed it for her own business, which is a direct competitor to Braverman’s business.

I’ve bought a domain and worked on various sites before; it really sucks to have all your work and your business jeopardized just because of a former business partner. Business owners should ensure the security of their domains and make sure nothing jeopardizes these domains; to lose all the hard work, that you have put in to making your company successful, is extremely stressful and off-putting, especially if you decide to take it to court. You lose the money you have invested in your site, and also through legal proceedings.

For more information on this topic, take a look at the original article on Global News at this link!

Image Reference

Ingyenes a .ga Domainek Regisztrálása. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct.          2013. <>.

What Is a Domain? Digital image. IP-1 Simple about Complex. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct.          2013. <>.

Bad for Business??

What do crime occurrences do to businesses? It causes insecurity, panic and bad business as seen in LRPS’s downtown businesses over the past summer. This event is of high urgency and great importance to the businesses since not only do the businesses have to hire more staff to ensure security, they also have to make more safety precautions; for instance, they have to invest in the installation of a panic button. These aren’t the only factors affecting the businesses downtown; I would think that due to the possible occurrence of crimes in that downtown area, regular or past customers may now avoid that part of town. Since the police force is small and the group of officers dedicated to patrolling the downtown region isn’t subjected to patrolling 24/7 everyday, people still feel very vulnerable. Due to the potential of crime, these customers may change taste or find another substitute or product in order to stay safe. The new businesses would have a tough time finding loyal customers (barrier to entry), while the old businesses would have a tough time keeping their customers (rivalry). All in all, the businesses suffer from this unfortunate stabbing incident.


For more information about this article, check it out at this link!