Next Best Way to Travel

What’s the next best thing to transit when you Imagedon’t own your own car? Car2Go, of course! I’m sure you have seen plenty of the little smart cars, with the Car2Go logo, zooming around downtown and even at UBC. The Car2Go company has many strengths; they are very convenient, easy to use, affordable, easily accessible, and a well known brand!  The ease of accessibility is due to their many Car2Go station locations and their squad of over 300 cars in Vancouver. The smart cars can be found all over Vancouver downtown and even at the UBC campus. Not only are they convenient, they also take care of your parking costs! Although Car2Go has a unique idea, they have a new competitor: Zipcar. This company is similar to Car2Go, but they have a competitive edge to them: they offer a different variety of cars to suit anyone’s taste. This is an external weakness that Car2Go has to overcome or top, with their own competitive advantage.

Want to find a new, cool way to travel? Check out a Car2Go video here or even, get a membership at their website – There are always discounts and free minutes given out!



Image Reference:

Simply. Always. Everywhere. Digital image. Hello Austin. N.p., n.d. Web. Nov. 2013.                         <>.

Lean Reflections: Car2go on Demand Service Comes to Vancouver. Digital image. Lean                 Reflections: Car2go on Demand Service Comes to Vancouver. N.p., n.d. Web.                   Nov. 2013. <               comes-to.html>.

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