Testing New Grounds

While taking a look at a fellow classmate’s blog, I found one that was pretty interesting. According to Alex Butler’s Blog Post, and his references, Tim Hortons want to test new waters by bringing a new dark roast coffee into the stores in London, Ontario, and Columbus, Ohio!

I definitely agree with Alex, when he says that they should not Starbucks their image, and instead stick to their own value proposition where they offer cheap and convenient coffee. Playing into a image of higher quality and perhaps higher price for the higher quality may change the brand image and brand value. Additionally, this leads into what Alex mentions about a possible menu overload. Numerous people may be resistant to change, and may switch to an alternate source of cheap coffee, like Macdonalds, if Tim Hortons start to over-complicate their menu. Tim Hortons should stay the way they are and continue providing superior and fast customer service by sticking to their one coffee blend!

Click here to see what other topics Alex talks about in his blog!

Image Reference:

It’s Tim Hortons Night !!! Saturday January 28th « Char-Lan Junior B Rebels. Digital                    image. CharLan Junior B Rebels Its Tim Hortons Night Saturday January 28th                    Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. Nov. 2013. <http://www.charlanrebels.com/2012/01/its-            tim-hortons-night-saturday-january-28th/>.

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