Bad for Business??

What do crime occurrences do to businesses? It causes insecurity, panic and bad business as seen in LRPS’s downtown businesses over the past summer. This event is of high urgency and great importance to the businesses since not only do the businesses have to hire more staff to ensure security, they also have to make more safety precautions; for instance, they have to invest in the installation of a panic button. These aren’t the only factors affecting the businesses downtown; I would think that due to the possible occurrence of crimes in that downtown area, regular or past customers may now avoid that part of town. Since the police force is small and the group of officers dedicated to patrolling the downtown region isn’t subjected to patrolling 24/7 everyday, people still feel very vulnerable. Due to the potential of crime, these customers may change taste or find another substitute or product in order to stay safe. The new businesses would have a tough time finding loyal customers (barrier to entry), while the old businesses would have a tough time keeping their customers (rivalry). All in all, the businesses suffer from this unfortunate stabbing incident.


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