On Stage & Back Stage: Francesca Corrado talks about the multi-faceted life of a UBC Opera singer

FRANCESCA CORRADO —My day consists of heading to school for classes, working in the costume shop in the Old Auditorium and running to rehearsals. Does that sound busy? Yes, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. The Crucible is unique for me because I am singing the role of Rebecca Nurse as well as assisting Patricia Smith with the costumes for our production. People often take for granted the manpower needed for the behind the scenes life of a production. Some of the successes of an opera are the blending of beautiful voices and visually stimulating costumes. Working with Patricia has enlightened me on the fine details of costuming that go into making a character more authentic as the audience is transported back in time. I love being onstage but the behind the scenes aspect to a production has always been an interest of mine. I am truly fortunate to have the opportunity to experience life on both sides of the stage. While on summer vacation, I researched the character of Rebecca Nurse, and I discovered she was an actual person who lived during a time when you could be killed for staying true to your beliefs. The Crucible is a chilling and powerful production that should not be missed!

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