For our first Spotlight Saturday, we’ll be taking a closer look at a fantastic resource – PlaySport, an online activity-based resource that helps children and youth develop an understanding of and competency with skills and strategies associated with physical activities and a wide range of sports. The site uses the TGfU approach (Teaching Games for Understanding) which is a great model for lessons.
This site will probably be a great source of ideas for activities during your practicum – you can search by the following categories:
Division: Primary, Junior, Intermediate, Senior
Activity Category: Territory, Net/Wall, Striking/Fielding, Target Games, Individual Pursuits
Movement Skills: Stability, Locomotion, Manipulation, Body Awareness, Spatial Awareness, Relationships, Effort Awareness
So for example, if I was teaching a Junior-level class during a target games unit, and wanted to focus on their manipulation movement skills, I could put those search terms into the website, and have a number of games to choose from. For this search, there were three:
Beanbag Boccia, where “Participants learn about and practise sending an object toward a target to accumulate the most points.”
Pinwheel, where “Participants learn about and practise sending an object toward a target surrounded by bowling pins while standing at different distances.”
Target 5, where “Participants learn about and practise sending an object to hit a variety of different targets.”
You can select any game and view a page with the information needed to set up and run the game (or download/print it). This includes things like equipment needed, safety concerns, adaptation options, and detailed instructions, diagrams, and even videos to demonstrate gameplay.
Have you had a look through PlaySport yet? What games do you think would be really valuable to use in your practicum classrooms?
Here’s another really good website we found. It was extremely helpful when coming up with ideas for the group teach. A lot of clearly laid out lesson plans and instructions.
An example of badminton lesson plan
That’s really great – thanks Fraser!!