This week I greatly enjoyed our outdoor experience, from the group teach to our walk and then doing the discussion outside I found it all to be very engaging. It was interesting to see how Isis, Meghan and Tiffany executed a scavenger that was both active and informative. I could see students having a lot of fun with the animal tag and the scavenger hunt and it is something I would never have thought of for PE! I thought the walk that we did was a nice way to spend the morning, and it encouraged me to consider how I would lead a class outdoors. It occurred to me during the walk that it’s easy to say you are going to take your class outdoors but is another thing to actually do it. It’s true that children these days don’t go outdoors as much as they used to and I am a true believer that just being outdoors enhances education, however to go outdoors for a class does require some extra planning. It made me think about how untrusting we are in this day and age, and how just thinking about taking a class outside brings up a lot of liabilities and hazards, of course there are ways of minimizing these but it is a real obstacle. In my teaching career I plan to embrace outdoor education, it’s beneficial for all of us and just the change in scenery often makes for an exciting learning experience.