Blogging – ABC Cohort

Hello ABC Cohort

I would like to clarify the class blog and any misunderstandings of your participation in the class each week to complete either a post based on one of the guiding questions or a comment based on an original post.  Part of your completion of this course is to complete this assingment.

Please take a moment to refresh the requirements of this asisgnment that is driectly from your course outline:

Assignment 1–Movement Journal, Comments and Capstone summary

This assignment is divided into 3 parts:  (a) 5 online movement journal contributions based on guiding questions, course objectives, personal reflections and/or course content; (b) 5 online comments contributions to journal contributions made by your colleagues; (c) 1 capstone summary entry.

You are encouraged to use any form of journal recording as you wish.  For example, blog, online journal, website, picture book, prezi, etc…

We will divide the class into two groups (group A and group B), alternating weeks, A and B will either submit a journal entry or comment on other submissions. Be conscientious about your contributions and reflections, avoid generalizations and unsubstantiated claims.  As this is a public sphere, please ensure that you are considerate of others and how they may react to your words.  Choose tact and tone with care. We are not aiming to solve problems, but rather be curious about our experiences and learning.

  1. Movement Journal Contributions (this is your post):

    A guideline for length is a paragraph to a maximum of 250 words. Responses shall be posted online for your colleagues to read and respond to on the UBC PE Blog – Prompts for movement and reading responses will be provided in class, and can be found in this syllabus. The personal journal will take various shapes and will be influenced by the learning that occurs in the course. This is an individual assignment. All entries are to be posted on the class blog and a copy to be kept by each individual with a final submission the last week of class.


  2. Journal Comments (this is your comment):

    A guideline for length is a paragraph to a maximum of 250 words. Respond to a classmates posted contribution on the class blog. Tie responses back to course objectives, content, and conversations, along with what your colleague has written. There may be one or more comments to an original post.  Please feel free to continue discussion further than the one post.

    3. Summary Reflection: (This is the final capstone of all your experienes in the class)

  3. Prior to the final week, you will summarize your journal contributions, and reflections you have made or received into a Capstone Reflection.  The Capstone shall be guided by the following questions, “How does physical education fit into education the whole child? “What do physical and health literacy mean in an elementary classroom?”, “What makes a good PE educator?”, and “What does it mean to be physically literate?  Please envision your audience as a school administrator who may interview you for a teaching position.  The Capstone Reflection shall be between 250 and 500 words and shall not be a repetition of journal entries, but rather a distillation and summary of concepts related to elementary PE.

Here are some adidtional points and clarification:

1. We have completed week 6 as of today, so Group A and Group B you should have after todays class 3 posts from a guiding question in the course outline or an observation in the class and 3 comments to a week that the other group would have posted.

2. Today, Group B should be posting their posts based on the guiding questions and Group A you should be replying to one of these posts via a comment.

3. Group A – please post ASAP (say by Friday)

4. Group B – please reply to a post by Monday evening.

YOU CAN CATCH UP AND MAKE A POST AT ANYTIME! Yes! Please catch up and make your post or comments to get up to the 6 total.

I am in my office in scarfe 2123 from now til 1:00pm today, and available by appoontment if this is still a concern.  Please also use the digital sandbox to asssist you with your blogging and digital literacy.

Any quesitons or concerns that you are having, please contact me ASAP via email.


Kind regards

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