
A Handy Guide to UBC Cafés

Now that school in full swing and midterms are just around the corner you may be contemplating an increase in your caffeine intake! Even if you aren’t a coffee or tea drinker, cafés are a great place to study – providing a change of scenery with snack and beverage options close at hand. With this in mind, we have compiled a handy map of coffee shops at UBC:

Of course, we must mention The Daily Dose – UBC Pharm Sci’s own café serving coffee, snacks and light food items all day. It’s a great place to recharge between classes.

Also, many people find that the ambient noise in cafes helps them to focus on their work. We’re fans of the app Coffitivity which allows you to recreate the sounds of a café in your living room. Coffee not included!

What’s your favourite coffee shop on campus? Let us know in the comments or on Facebook.

– Ivan Yastrebov, Communications and Marketing
