
Welcome to the new UBC Pharm Sci blog

On behalf of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of British Columbia, it gives me great pleasure to officially welcome you to our new blog. Our goal with this blog is to further connect and engage with you (our students, alumni, donors, partners, pharmacists and other members of the health care community) on the topics of pharmacy education, research and practice. In doing so, we aim to nurture and cultivate a healthy dialogue and exchange of information.

And on the subject of health, everyone must be very aware of the fact that it’s that time of year again (and no, I’m not referring to holiday shopping). It’s flu season.

At the Faculty, we have been involved with two flu clinic programs for members of the UBC campus community. But there are plenty of other flu clinics and resources that you can access. I recommend visiting the following Public Health Agency of Canada sites for more information: Influenza and Flight Flu.

In addition to being vaccinated and washing your hands regularly, make sure that you get plenty of rest, exercise and receive proper nutrition. It’s easy to get run down over the Holiday Season, so remember to take the time to care for yourself.

Jimi Galvão, Communications and Marketing, UBC PharmSci
