Apply what you’ve learned, and recognize it in your lives
I want students to take course material out of the classroom – see how psychology lives and breathes in their daily lives. To accomplish that, I encourage everyone to use the course hashtag #ubcpsyc307 to tweet about how you see cultural psychology operating in real life. I will occasionally compile tweets from members of the class and discuss them in class. Here are some examples from previous years!
@UBCDrBenCh can we apply the approaches of dealing with culture (i.e. colour-blind and multicultural approach) to the notion of gender? I wonder if we would see the same outcomes that were associated with ethnic minorities if we were to look at gendered minorities #ubcpsyc307
— Harris Wong (@harriswo) January 11, 2018
@UBCDrBenCh Hofstede's dimensions just came up on my marketing textbook, was able to jump over the section thanks to #ubcpsyc307. Also, shame to Patricia the academic counsellor, who said psychology had nothing to do with marketing (her name wasn't Patricia, just dramatic effect)
— Lina Lecompte (@LinaLecompte) April 6, 2018
You have taken Cultural Psych when you can tell a BBC Earth nature documentary that the monkeys don't take up to 8yrs to successfully "imitate" the use of a hammer & anvil, they take 8yrs to "emulate" it.@UBCDrBenCh #ubcpsyc307
— Pearl Wong (@pearlwongx) January 23, 2019
Add your own to the list!