Welcome to the course!

Traditional, ancestral, and unceded xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqthuueam) territory
University of British Columbia
PSYC 308A – Social Psychology
Winter 2019/2020 Term 2
Section 004: MWF 2:00-3:00 pm (ESB 1012)
Section 005: MWF 3:00-4:00 pm (ESB 1012)

Instructor: Benjamin Cheung
Office: Kenny 2039
Office hour: Mon 11 am – 1 pm (or by appointment)
Phone: 604-822-3007
Email: bycheung [ at ] psych.ubc.ca

Teaching assistants:

Lucy De Souza
Office: Kenny 3328
Office hour: Thursdays 12 – 1pm
Email: ldesouza [ at ] psych.ubc.ca
Lexis Kepler
Office: Kenny 3525
Office hour: Fridays 9 – 10am
Email: lexis.kepler [ at ] psych.ubc.ca
Valerie Lo
Office: Kenny 3504
Office hour: Fridays 11:30am – 12:30pm
Email: valerie4 [ at ] mail.ubc.ca
Students’ surnames:
Assigned TA and Turnitin ID (pw: social308):
Lo: 23633045
Kepler: 23633059
De Souza: 23633049

Syllabus at a glance: You can access other parts of the syllabus using the menu at the top! The whole syllabus is also SEARCHABLE. See that magnifying glass to the right of the navigation menu at the top? Click that and you can search for anything in the syllabus!

Some parts of the syllabus that may be of particular interest to you:

Full course calendar (The Google Calendar below only has partial information): Course Calendar
Information about Bagels with Ben: Bagels with Ben
Exams and Assignments: Assessments