Study at a Glance:
We aim to better understand how couples navigate their health behaviors and how partners shape each other’s health behaviours. Using tablet-based questionnaires, we hope to get a detailed picture of your everyday activities as they occur while you engage in your everyday routines.
If you agree to participate, you will first be asked to take part in two measurement sessions, ten days apart. In between sessions, you will be asked to go to a lab for a blood draw and to complete multiple daily life assessments on your everyday activities and health behaviours on a tablet computer. Linking your everyday activities with biological health markers will help us better understand pathways to good health.
By participating in this project, you will also learn a new technology skill. We are offering one technology workshop for each study participant that teaches you how to use your tablet for useful everyday purposes. There will also be a follow-up assessment after three months.
Time Commitment and Compensation:
Approximately 10 hours of your time is required for this study (including the 2 assessments, blood draw, the daily life assessments, and the follow up). Should you decide to participate in this study, you will receive monetary compensation for completing Sessions 1 and 2 and the home-monitoring (ten days of daily life assessments including physical activity monitoring and blood draw). Instead of receiving monetary compensation, you also have the option of keeping one tablet per couple for good. If you and your partner choose to keep one tablet, ownership of the device will be transferred to you at the end of session two. Participants who are interested in finding out more about their health will receive feedback on their health measures and whether they are meeting physical activity guidelines.