No Seriously, Why are You Doing a Triathlon??
by carlywen ~ January 24th, 2011. Filed under: Uncategorized.I’ve taken on quite possibly the ballsiest challenge of my life so far: completing a triathlon. Why the hell am I doing this? After all, it was only September when I stood on the shores of English Bay watching my boyfriend compete in the Vancouver Triathlon in the pouring rain, thinking to myself “I have absolutely no desire to ever do this.” Yet, here we are, just four months later and I’m already registered for TriDu.
When I started at UBC many years ago, I honestly thought that the TriDu was an event I would never compete in. I’ve done Longboat, Storm the Wall, even On the Button Bonspiel, but I never saw myself ever completing a triathlon. I hadn’t swum (I forgot how stupid of a word “swum” is) laps in a pool since completing my maroon swimming badge and I’m pretty sure that was around when TLC’s “Waterfalls” was released. As for biking, I don’t think I had been on a bike that actually moved forward longer than five minutes in well over ten years. (It’s not true what they say you know, you can forget how to ride a bicycle and I have the bruises to prove it.) Wow, now that I’m visualizing my complete lack of experience, it’s making it a lot harder for me to explain why I’m doing this…
There are some people out there who say the word “can’t” isn’t in their dictionary. Good for them… I’m not one of them. Until just recently, I believed that triathlons were written with a Sharpie on my “Can’t” list, alongside enjoying sushi and be able to snap my fingers with my left hand. To be completely honest, I still don’t even know if a triathlon is something I can do, but I might as well try. So I guess the real reason why I’m doing a triathlon is: Why the hell not?
Special thanks to UBC REC and the TriDu team for giving me this opportunity!
January 24th, 2011 at 10:54 pm
Carly I think it’s awesome that you’re tackling something that used to be on your “can’t” list. What else is on there?
I totally still have those badges too! They’re in a tin that has a cat dressed as a grandmother on the lid.
January 25th, 2011 at 12:36 pm
I think you’re totally inspiring for taking on a tri! Congrats! You’ll be amazed at what you CAN do! 🙂