Turnitin Plagiarism Framework

What is the Canvas Plagiarism Framework option?

Turnitin has worked with Canvas to develop an integration that will allow instructors to enable Turnitin within the Canvas Assignment workflow. This integration allows Turnitin to be enabled for a Canvas assignment, provides a Similarity Report and Spelling and Grammar suggestions and can be accessed via SpeedGrader. All grading and feedback is expected to be provided via SpeedGrader and Canvas rubrics can be used. For more information on comparing how Turnitin can be used either as an external tool or through the Plagiarism Framework, view our Canvas integration comparison chart.

Creating an assignment in Canvas using Turnitin’s Plagiarism Framework

  • Log in to your Canvas course and Assignments in the Course Navigation. 
    • Click +Assignment. 
    • Enter the assignment name and instructions using the text editor. 
    • Specify the number of points and, if applicable, the assignment group (i.e., the group of assignments this should belong to for grading purposes). 
    • Select Online as the “Submission Type” and check Text Entry and/or File Uploads, depending on how you would like students to submit their work. 
    • To ensure file uploads are compatible with Turnitin, you can also check Restrict Upload File Types and specify the accepted extensions as one or more of the text files that are readable by Turnitin (e.g., pdf, doc, docx). 
    • Set the number of allowed submission attempts. You will need to allow multiple submissions if you want to let students use Turnitin’s reporting as a self-check for improving their work. 
      • If the instructor is using Turnitin as a self-check tool for students, if the student resubmits an edited paper, it will not compare to the first submission they made (i.e. they will not match the text to the previous submission resulting in a 90% match score). 
    • Under “Plagiarism Review”, select Turnitin. This action will load additional Turnitin options. 
      • Choose if you would like to store the student submissions in the Turnitin repository or not and select the types of content that you would like to compare each submission against. 
      • Under “Similarity Report”, you can select if Turnitin should exclude any sources when checking student submissions. 
      • Exclude bibliographic material – Excludes checking text that appears in the bibliography, works cited, or references sections of student submissions. 
      • Exclude quoted materials – Excludes checking text that appears within quotes in the student submissions. 
      • Exclude small sources – Excludes matches that have a small amount in common with a student’s writing. You can set the match length as a total word count or as a percentage, and you can change this setting for individual submissions later. 
      • Under “Show report to students”, choose when students can access the results of Turnitin’s report on their submission. If you are letting students, use Turnitin’s reporting as a self-check, select Immediately.  
      • If needed, check the This is a Group Assignment or Require Peer Reviews box and fill in the additional information. 
        • Group assignments will still give all students in the group access to Turnitin’s reporting. Although only one student will submit the assignment, everyone will see the report if you choose to make it available to students. 
    • You can add a due date for the assignment, which allows for late submissions in Turnitin. Alternatively, you can add availability dates and students will only be able to submit during this time frame, with no late submissions allowed. 
    • Click Save & Publish to make the assignment visible to your students. 

Some caveats 

  • You cannot use it after there have been submissions. It must be set up beforehand. 
  • Plagiarism Framework utilizes Canvas SpeedGrader only. Turnitin-based feedback/grading tools are not supported.
  • Available to launch from Canvas SpeedGrader and indicated in the Canvas Gradebook.
  • This integration works within the Canvas assignment workflow itself but does not deliver full Turnitin functionality.

Automatically check written work for plagiarism and provide individual feedback for each student on their submission.

Usage scenarios

Turnitin has a suite of internal tools that includes:

  • OriginalityCheck: helps instructors check students’ work for improper citation or potential plagiarism by comparing it against Turnitin’s content databases which contain the current and archived web, student submitted papers, and content from Turnitin’s partnerships with leading publishers (including library databases, textbook publishers, digital reference collections, subscription-based publications, homework helper sites, and books).
  • PeerMark: allows for an online peer review environment for students to evaluate each other’s work.
  • GradeMark: provides a paperless, browser-based grading environment for instructors (and teaching assistants). The tool allows instructors to create custom rubrics and QuickMark (reusable comments).

User guides & links

Information for Instructors

Information for Instructors

If you have never used Turnitin as an instructor please request an account by emailing help@sauder.ubc.ca.

Once the account is set up, follow these steps

  1. Review UBC’s Turnitin Policies and best practices
  2. Create a class (If you have a TA who needs access to your Tii account or you have multiple sections of the same course and want to keep them separate you will need to set up a master class and then create sections.)
    • If your students will be submitting papers directly to Turnitin, when you create the class/sections, make a note of the:
      • Class ID
      • Enrollment key – these need to be passed on to students so they can enroll in the class (see student enrollment)
  3. Set up an assignment
  4. If you have downloaded assignment files from Canvas (see instructions for downloading Canvas Assignment submissions), you can upload them to Turnitin as a ZIP file, see Zip-file upload on behalf of a student
  5. For Zip files generated from your online exams, you can refer to this guide, How to upload ZIP files in Turnitin, to see the more specific step-by-step instruction.

Please note: Information submitted to Turnitin is stored in the United States. Therefore your students should be advised to remove identifying information, such as their name and student number, from the text of any assignment submitted to Turnitin. They can also choose to use a pseudonym and/or anonymous email address to set up their accounts.

If you encounter any issues with Turnitin, please email help@sauder.ubc.ca.

Information for students

Below is an example of how you can introduce Turnitin to students – to see how this information could be presented in Canvas see Turnitin – information for students.

COMM XXX written assignments are to be submitted using Turnitin, a web service that checks for content originality.

The Turnitin Student Guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to register for Turnitin and submit your assignments or you can use the information below:

  • To register for Turnitin account go directly to Turnitin New User Creation and choose “student.”
  • If you already have a Turnitin account, you will need to enroll in a class.
  • To set up your Turnitin user profile or enroll in a new class you will need the COMM XXX Class ID and Password (“enrollment key”):

Class ID: XXX
Password: XXX

Important Privacy Information
Information submitted to Turnitin is stored in the United States. If you don’t want your personal data to be stored in the US, please remove identifying information, such as your name and student number, from the text of any assignment submitted to Turnitin. You can use an alias or pseudonym but please remember to let your instructor know your alias.

Policies & best practices

Turnitin Policies & Best Practices

Resources & support

If you have challenges or questions about Turnitin, please email help@sauder.ubc.ca

Resources for Instructors:

Resources for Students:

Related content

Turnitin Educator Network – space to meet, discuss, and share best practices for using TurnitinCanvas Student Peer Assessments for Reviewing Work – available tools and features comparison (LT Hub Website)

Assignments (Canvas Instructor Guide)
Grading with the SpeedGrader in Canvas (Canvas Instructor Guide)

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