Category Archives: beyond ANSO (gasp)

GSS survey to fill out

Please take 10 minutes to answer a survey that the Graduate Student Society (GSS) has recently put together. This survey will assist the GSS with creating goals to provide a better graduate student experience for this year and future years – in other words, this is your chance to tell your student society what you want them to be, and what you want them to do for you!

CUTOFF DATE: Sunday March 6th @ 7pm

The GSS Steering Committee greatly appreciates your participation in the survey; they will endeavor to be transparent about how they plan to improve your student experience. You can look for their goals to be posted on the GSS website after March 20th.

1st 2011 GSCS meeting / AMS elections

Brief reminder: the first GSCS meeting of the year is this Thursday, January 20, from 11 to 12 (room 139). We’ll be discussing regular topics (grad conference, departmental meeting, upcoming Springboards sessions) but also  the issue of our department’s representation at the GSS (Graduate Student Society). This is a pretty important aspect of improving communication within the department as well as how we get represented on the wider campus, so it would be great to see a lot of you there.

But mostly I wanted to post today to remind everyone that the AMS elections are happening this week (the AMS is your student union). You will be getting voting instructions via email in the next day or so, but mostly I want to ask you to consider voting in this election. Historically there has been a very low turn-out for AMS elections and it is unfortunate because this student council makes very important decision on our behalf, about where the university is going and what our student fees get spent on.
So I urge you to read candidates’ bios and visit their individual websites to get a sense of their platform; alternatively, The Ubyssey has a good guide to the elections, and there is a number of good blogs out there. (UBC Insiders and AMS Confidential are two examples; personally, I’m partial to the style of the Black Box Theatre.)