Should Apple Lower Its Price For Greater Market Share?

Apple launched its new product a few days ago and as always, loyal customers lined up to be the first ones among others to obtain it. It is understandable why Apple can always keep customers wanting to come back and purchase more: non-stop innovation, users friendly products, great after-purchase customers service, and Apple has become a sign for trendy as well.

However, there are more competitors entering the tablets market and as they are selling more, should Apple worry about its price? Its market share is already less than before. Apple’s new products are always better and lighter than their previous generations, but their price maintained on the same level. I personally believe Apple does not have to worry about its price. Its pricing strategy allows the customers to identify Apple as the brand that offers quality and worth products. iPad Air costs more than other brands’ tables, but it offers certain benefits that other tables do not such as the various apps to install and the ultimate one pound light weight.


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