Re: Makeup isn’t just for women!

Response to Tess Kwan’s blog post “Makeup isn’t just for women!”


While browsing through my classmates’ blogs, this one caught my eyes. No, it was not because the post was discussing about guys or makeup, but the fact that more products are becoming unisex. It is an interesting trend that is becoming more obvious throughout the years. If we think back to just five years ago, who would have thought males will be wearing makeup and purchasing yoga pants? Were we too conservative or did the society change? I say both.

We always tend to categorize products while the marketing team always sees another shed of light in the end of the tunnel. We assumed females wear makeup so makeup was feminine and males should not and would not wear it. However, the marketing team thought otherwise: it is a great opportunity to expand the market target and increase sales. Was it a successful transition? Yes. As one can see from Kwan’s blog post, the package and design are made more masculine to attract male customers. The color of the bottle tends to be gray or black and the shape also tends to imitate the design of liquor bottles. With these efforts and the original benefits of makeup, helps one to look better and younger, male customers now purchase and wear makeup like females do!

Original article link:


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