It should be mentioned that this was not an easy decision. As seen throughout this blog, there are many factors to consider, and insufficient research has been conducted on some of the topics and areas we hoped to study. Our recommendation is focused on the mandate of the LFSOG and the resources that they currently have. Based on our research, which captured all aspects of sustainability related to beekeeping and the incorporation of an additional hive to the LFSOG, we would like to recommend the following.
There is no ecological need for a second bee hive (pollination services are not needed and this will not increase biodiversity), and the lack of research explaining the effects of honey bees on native pollinators means there could be negative results that we are currently unaware of. However, the addition of a second bee hive results in numerous beneficial learning opportunities. As a major component of the LFSOG is their aim to be an outdoor classroom, we felt that, in this case, the social benefits related to an additional hive outweighed the speculated negative ecological results. We have therefore recommended that a second bee hive, in particular a Warré hive, be incorporated into the LFSOG agroecosystem. However, our recommendation is not so simple. To maintain ecological and social sustainability, the incorporation of an additional bee hive must be done simultaneously with the following: Mason bee houses (and other native bee habitat if possible) must be introduced, and bee forage both for honey bees and native species must be increased. These actions are extremely important to the success of the second bee hive and the agroecosystem as a whole.
A Warré hive provides educational opportunities beyond what the LFSOG can currently offer. Students can compare beekeeping practices as well as understand there is more than one way of doing things. In addition, working with beeswax becomes a possibility since a Warré hive produces high amounts of wax compared to a Langstroth hive.
A consideration of native pollinators also provides important learning opportunities. Currently, it is unclear what effect an increase in honey bee population will have on the native pollinator population. So, we think that it is important to continue to support native habitat construction and conservation in order for their numbers to be maintained. Extra forage should be added as well, which would be beneficial to both parties.
Those interested in beekeeping must also understand the importance of native pollinators and their essential services, which are not provided by honey bees. In addition, as awareness around the importance of living sustainably heightens, there is also an increasing awareness of the importance of living well in one place. This is a concept explored by David Orr and many others. Ultimately, educational institutions serve as a place where students can not only learn critical thinking and gain skills, but they can do so in a way that is contextualized and connected to that specific geographic area. The recommendation to add mason bee condos and increase habitat for native pollinators stems from this principle: we hope that UBC students will not only learn about pollinators, but that they can learn to support and appreciate pollinators who thrive in this area. By doing this, even if students do not continue to work with pollinators in the future, the LFSOG will be fostering an awareness around respecting what naturally belongs in an environment. These numerous non-exclusive educational opportunities increases the potential for the LFSOG outdoor learning space.
Though the economic aspect was not the chief deciding factor for this recommendation, it is worth noting that the addition of a Warré hive presents diverse economic profit with little cost. Both excess honey and wax products provided by a successful colony can generate ongoing revenue for the LFSOG, while start-up and maintenance costs are relatively low.
In summary, our final recommendation includes the incorporation of ALL of the following into the LFSOG agroecosystem:
- Warré hive
- Mason bee homes, as well as other native pollinator habitat
- Increased bee forage for both honey bees and native species
Again, the importance of doing all of the above simultaneously must be stressed. Incorporating a second bee hive without considering native pollinators or available food sources is not a sustainable option.
We have also noted that the LFSOG is limited in terms of available land to provide bee forage. The approximately 800 square meter area is also dedicated to food production. Therefore, we have suggested the following planting plan as a way to address this issue.
Planting plan
Honey bees can access forage sources as far as 3km from the hive, however the majority of the colony (75%) forages within 1km (BCMA, 2012). A 1km radius from the LFSOG encompasses nearly the entire UBC main campus, therefore there is great potential for increasing forage for the existing hive, additional hives and native pollinators. We have determined three plots within 100m of the LFSOG that currently appear unused. In hopes of implementing more bee forage to support the existing hive and possible additional hives, we have developed a planting plan for these promising plots. The plan aims to incorporate perennial, low maintenance flowering plants preferred by honey bees, as well as capture a wide variety of bloom times to provide food sources for the colony year-round. Many of these plants are also native species which are preferred by the native bees in the area. Winter-blooming plants were placed nearest to the hive to increase accessibility due to winter’s cold and rainy conditions, which limit the colony’s ability to forage. Seed spacing and seed costs were largely determined through information provided by seed catalogues and plant nurseries, namely West Coast Seeds and Hutchinson Nursery in Langley, BC. It should be noted that plot measurements are a slight overestimate, however this was taken into consideration during the development of the planting plan.
The below planting plan was presented to Jeff Nulty of UBC Plant Operations, who fortunately took interest in the plan. However, there are issues regarding permits and funding, and it will take time to determine the viability of implementing such a plan. Since the semester is coming to an end and many of us will be in different locations this summer, we are currently in search for an interested individual or group who will be able to continue the project and see it through.
Suggested Plants and their Bloom Times
Plant |
Bloom Period |
Witch hazel (Hamamelis) |
December – February |
Oregon Grape (Mahonia) |
February – April |
Red-flowering currant (Ribes sanguineum) |
April – June |
Foxglove (Digitalis) |
April – June |
Oceanspray (Holodiscus discolor) |
June – August |
Aster (Aster) |
July – September |
Yarrow (Achillea) |
June – October |
Winter-flowering viburnum (Viburnum tinus and/or Viburnum x bodnantense) |
November – December |
Seed Spacing and Cost
Plant |
Seed/Plant Spacing |
Seed/Plant Cost |
Witch hazel (Hamamelis)* |
minimum 3m |
$65.00 /shrub |
Oregon Grape (Mahonia) * |
1-3m |
$4.00 – 13.50 /shrub |
Red-flowering currant (Ribes sanguineum) |
60-90cm |
$4.00 – 7.50 /shrub |
Foxglove (Digitalis) |
45-60cm |
$2.99 / 0.5g (~25000) seeds |
Oceanspray (Holodiscus discolor) |
3-5m |
$3.75 – 6.50 /shrub |
Aster (Aster)* |
10-70cm |
price not found but relatively inexpensive |
Yarrow (Achillea)* |
30-60cm |
$2.79 / 0.5g (~4300) seeds |
Winter-flowering viburnum (Viburnum tinus and/or Viburnum x bodnantense) |
2-4m |
$3.75 – 25.00 /shrub |
*commonly started indoors
**seed spacing and price ranges are due to the differences in species varieties
Plot 1:
Plot 1 is directly beside the LFSOG, therefore we recommend winter-flowering viburnum be planted here. A combination with the shorter yarrow plant creates complementary vertical diversity and provides forage for the fall and winter. Based on the suggested seed spacing, 5-6 viburnum shrubs and 30 yarrow plants can fill this plot. This would cost at most $152.79.
Figure 1: Plot 1
Plot 2:
Plot 2 is also positioned very close to the LFSOG, therefore we recommend that winter-flowering witch hazel be planted here. Early rhododendrons and red-flowering currant would make a lovely colour compliment, as well as provide forage sources throughout the spring season. Incorporating a dwarfed variety of oregon grape would help to increase vertical diversity and food sources for the early spring season. Based on the suggested seed spacings, 4 shrubs of each witch hazel, rhododendron and red-flowering currant would fit nicely along the slender portion of the plot. Approximately 9 oregon grape shrubs could be used to completely fill the plot space. Using the suggested shrub numbers, this plot would cost at most $671.50. This cost can be significantly reduced by choosing less expensive varieties.
Figure 2: Plot 2
Plot 3:
Plot 3 is the plot located furthest from the garden, therefore we recommend summer-blooming plants be planted here. With the increase in sunny weather that comes with summer, the bees will have no trouble finding this plot and the delicious food sources grown here. We recommend oceanspray, foxglove and aster be planted here. These plants will provide forage from late spring to early fall. In addition, the attractiveness of these three plants may increase attention to the sundial that is permanently located near the centre of this plot. Within the addition of seating areas nearby or within this plot, this area can become an appealing location throughout the summer. Based on the suggested seed spacings and considering the lost space from the presence of the sundial, 3-4 oceanspray shrubs and 25 plants of each foxglove and aster will fill this plot. This would cost approximately $30.
Figure 3: Plot 3