Module 6 “Inevitable Challenges”

Today we learned about the structure of inquire which includes: process, participants and purpose.  There is a relationship between all 3 parts, which is why we must address all 3 when setting out to do inquiry and look at each relationship thoroughly.  We looked at participants as being meaning-makers and that purpose will be slightly different for everyone since each person will take away something different than others depending on how they interpret their inquiry. We also learned 3 important terms that pose as inevitable challenges we face in schools.

First, Institutional Isomorphism is the idea that all institutions are living organisms, self-shaping, and sustain their own existence.  They sustain their own life through policies, philosophies, beliefs and practices.  These things that sustain an institution evolve all the time, which keeps it living and changing. But one challenge is that many institutions resist change, including schools.  They resist through normative practice or the mentality of “we don’t do that here,” coercive practice where you are forced to comply by administration or because of financial issues etc., and mimetic practices when people just copy each other and don’t “step on any toes.”

Next, the term Conservative Dynamicism, coined by Larry Cuban, refers to when learning activities stay the same but teachers say they use ICT just by using a digital projector for instance.  Lecturing from a power point presentation is the same as lecturing from the chalk board.  This is a synical, passive response to ICT use.  Thus, we need to come up with more innovative uses for ICT.

Finally, Socio-Cultural Homeostasis, termed by Antonio Domaeio, says that historically, feelings were suppose to be suppressed.  He believes feelings proceed thinking and that the way we use words will invoke a response  from others.  If you have a positive impression, then you may form a connected relationship.  On the other hand, If the impression is negative or aggressive, the relationship may become more distant. There is a socio-cultural aspect to these feelings and relationships.  The socio-cultural environments control what we can feel.  These environments inhibit change.

These are very important terms to me as a teacher and a TL especially with my willingness to bring change through ICT.  I know these are challenges that I will continue to face but I am going to stay optimistic and confident and do whatever necessary to bring more inquiry and technology into the library for students and teachers.

1 thought on “Module 6 “Inevitable Challenges”

  1. Good work, Harj! One way you can sustain your confidence and optimism in the face of adversity is to have a personal learning network outside the immediate situation. That way, when you encounter obstacles, you have a sympathetic group to consult with, problem-solve, and design new methods for implementation. We know that we react and respond to each others’ comportment and composure. When we bring confidence, enthusiasm, humour and kindness to our work, others will respond in kind (or as best they can, depending on their anxiety level).

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