Apple hits gold again

Apple’s recent release of the iPhone 6 caused the company to spiral back into the headlines as the demand for the phone is so high. The iPhone 6 Plus offers direct competition to the Samsung Note phones and customers have taken to the product excellently with Apple’s lead-times increasing to cope with the demand.

The question is how does Apple manage to keep getting such a phenomenal response to their products. Personally I think it is a combination of Apple’s marketing ingenuity and their philosophy to keep their products simple. Apple really play on the idea that their products are the most elegant and stylish products to own. They have managed to break the conventions of the technology market and make their product a symbol of modernity. Many companies have tried to follow suit such as Sony with their Vaio laptops, but none have been able accomplish this feat at the same level that Apple has. The question many ask is, “How do Apple products do so well when their competitors have had similar products for a much longer time?” The simple answer to that is Apple have created their brand into something much more than a piece of technology. Apple have also managed to create a massive customer-base with people coming every year to buy the next iteration of the companies iPhone or iMac products. What this proves is that brand image really is a thing. A company can sell products through it’s name and although sales may drop if the product is very weak, we learn that if the product is in line with the competition it will probably do better just due to the brand name.



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