International Woes

Netflix is learning that breaking into an international market may not be as easy as it seems on paper. The company probably felt that the idea of offering a high-quality, unlimited time TV-shows and movie service would be a very popular idea throughout the globe. However, they are finding, that in different countries, their product may not be as attractive as it is in the US. Netflix had trouble breaking into South American markets, due to the lower standard of living in these countries, and is now having trouble breaking into the European market, due to different tastes of the customers.



The issue Netflix is having, highlights the importance of creating a strong business model for each market you are entering into. The company’s business canvas and central business goals may have worked well in the USA, Canada, UK and Scandinavian countries.  However, now that they are moving into markets where the customers have vastly different content demands as well as countries where the technological infrastructure is not as strong, it becomes more necessary for Netflix to approach all these markets with a different perspective. I feel Netflix should be creating new business plans for each of these new markets, and what they plan to do, to satisfy the customers in these markets.

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