The Wage must rise!

Reading both Azhar’s blog, and an article on increasing the minimum wage in Wisconsin, left me with similar feelings towards the subject. I agree that the minimum wage does have to increase, especially in states such as Wisconsin, where workers are making less, after inflation adjusted calculations, than they did 25 years ago.


In a state such as Wisconsin, where the minimum wage still leaves workers in poverty, it is a necessity to raise the minimum wage. Workers have to be motivated to work, and if they are in poverty after working long shifts, they can lose all motivation. Above this workers will be tempted not to work at all as benefits may result in the same pay for some people. Lastly, the whole Wisconsin economy, which would then effect the US economy, could be boosted by a minimum wage rise, as workers now have more spending money. Although the minimum wage does mean business costs rise, businesses in the area may want to show their support for a rise in the minimum wage. The businesses will be seen in a ethically positive light, as they will be supporting, getting people out of poverty. Above this it will show customers that the business cares more about their employees than keeping costs low therefore, creating positive publicity for the business.

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