I still support Sauder Frosh

Karina Chadijah’s post has a very supportive title as related to the subject, Sauder Frosh. She uses adjectives that best describes her feeling based on the event and explain how she feels. Sauder Frosh consisted chants that are without a shadow of a doubt disgraceful, as Karina stated “I agree that the event that occurred during FROSH is ethically wrong. By doing the cheers, it strongly implies that Sauder supports and teaches non-consensual sex, especially to first-years”. And I also agree with the possible consequences. But it not just be losing interest in Sauder School of Business, but perhaps UBC as a whole.


I fully agree with how Karina mentions the morals that a education/ institute should provide and what not. And at the same time, it had to happen the way it was going. Courtesy of the media and social media, it was revealed publicly.


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