Morgan Stanley’s Sustainable Investment Initiative

Morgan Stanley has taking a big step toward sustainable business practices by introducing the Morgan Stanley Institute for Sustainable Investing, which has a goal of  “advanc[ing] market-based solutions to economic, social and environmental challenges by bringing sustainable investments to significant scale.” Their first major goals include developing products that allow clients to invest in sustainable practices while gaining financial returns, partnering with Columbia Business School to provide internship to cultivate leaders, and to invest $1 billion toward quality affordable housing for low/moderate income families.

This initiative addresses the triple bottom line of sustainability and creates shared value for Morgan Stanley, it’s clients/shareholders, and the local community. Morgan Stanley has reconceived its products to suit increased client demand for opportunities to invest in solutions aimed toward improving quality of life, a growing issue in the world today. As well, this program enables local cluster development, particularly addressing societal needs of the community, such as health care and providing more jobs. Morgan Stanley will be adding to their value proposition, improving their brand image locally and globally as they will be recognized as social entrepreneurs. Offering internships gives Columbia Business students invaluable experience, but also provides society with forward thinking, sustainable leaders for the future. This initiative will enhance Morgan Stanley’s competitiveness and profitability in the industry, in addition to providing social responsibility, strengthening communities and preserving natural resources.

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