What’s that song… you know, the one from that ad…?

Tailor made TV ad tunes are the latest trend in advertising schemes, and with a rise in popularity of the indie music scene, many ad agencies are turning to music companies requesting ad music with an indie twist. Peoples’ attention are often divided when TV ads play, and with this new approach, companies are hoping to draw attention through catchy music that has consumers nodding along while loving the TV spot as well. Advertisers are approaching different sources to write their music, including both familiar and unknown artists, depending on budget.

This new approach to advertising really shows a shift in the ways consumers perceive ads and what elements are needed to attract and keep attention. Ads are no longer just focused on content, but also on music that creates an emotional connection with viewers. Advertisers are appealing to the ears of consumers, hoping customized jingles will be lodged in their minds, which they will associate with the product. However, with so many agencies utilizing this method, the question becomes when this approach will become monotonous. Advertisers should deviate from this tactic and perhaps research how viral videos gain popularity, and employ this information into devising content captivating ads instead.

Read more at http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/industry-news/marketing/taking-notes-tv-ads-tune-into-made-to-order-indie-music/article14491355/

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