Valerie Li

Come Follow My Journey

Download your OWN profile

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I’ve had my Facebook about for about three and a half years now, even through it is not that long, it is not humanly possible to remember every action that I have made on Facebook. There have definitely been things I wish I didn’t upload or didn’t post, but starting October 6th 2010, Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook CEO) announced a feature that allows users to port their data from Facebook in a .zip file.

“People own and have control over all info they put into Facebook and ‘Download Your Information’ enables people to take stuff with them” says Mark Zuckerger. Downloading your profile in this way does not delete it from the site, but simply provides you with a copy. Users wishing to erase their data entirely will have to go through the process of deleting their entire Facebook profile, separately from “Download Your Information.”

Even though you are not aloud to “erase” posts on Facebook, but now at least you are aware or everything you have done on Facebook. To find out how this new programe works, watch this YouTube video:

YouTube Preview Image

Written by Valerie Li

October 9th, 2010 at 11:56 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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