Valerie Li

Come Follow My Journey

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Green Deals Done Right

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In this generation, healthy living has been incorporated in everyone’s lives. This industry has become a multibillion dollar industry, reason being is because items at placed in higher price category. A local commerce student, Annalea Krebs, who graduated in 2008 from Royal Roads University, believed that she can serve consumers are often overwhelmed with green choices and don’t know how to start. They think green choices and services are too expensive, and often aren’t sure where to find them.

“I consider myself a social entrepreneur,” Krebs said. “I’m on a mission to make green mainstream. With ethicalDeal, we want to make it easy and fun for people to try out the best green stuff their city has to offer.”

Like Groupon, ethicalDeal negotiates volume discounts with local companies in order to make a new, one-day-only online offer to consumers each day. The deal goes through only if a specified number of people sign up. Discounts to consumers are normally 40 to 90 per cent. ethicalDeal collects payment, takes a 30- to 50-per-cent cut, and passes the remainder on to the merchant.
“There’s all these barriers, if you will, to the ethical deal that something like [my business] takes away. We do the research, we go out into the city and find the best green products and services.”

Annalea Krebs’s new green business isn’t even launched, but the 25-year-old already has a promising subscriber list, merchants asking to participate and investors nosing around. In my opinion, Kreb’s is a great social entrepreneur,

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Written by Valerie Li

December 3rd, 2010 at 2:00 pm

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