
Variable Data:

Dataset Changes made to Dataset Source
Income Data Data was parsed to gather only the total 2015 income statistics for the population aged 15 years and over in private households CHASS, 2016 Canadian Census Data
Visible Minority Data Data was parsed to gather only the total visible minority population in private households CHASS, 2016 Canadian Census Data
Education Data Data was parsed to gather only the total highest certificate, diploma, or degree for the population aged 25 to 64 years in private households CHASS, 2016 Canadian Census Data
Population Density Data was parsed to gather only population density per square kilometer CHASS, 2016 Canadian Census Data
Population  Data was parsed to gather only the total population CHASS, 2016 Canadian Census Data

Basemap Data

Dataset  Changes made to Data Source
Greenest City Projects Shapefile data was transformed into point data Vancouver Open Data Portal, 2021
2016 Generalized Land Use Classification Data was divided by residential and non-residential land-uses MetroVancouver Open Data Catalog, 2016
Statistics Canada Census Tract Cartographic Boundary File Data was parsed to include only the Metro Vancouver Boundary Statistics Canada, 2011
Coastal Waters Boundary File Statistics Canada, 2011
Public Streets  Vancouver Open Data Portal, 2019

Additional Sources:

  1. ArcMaps. (2021). Interpreting Exploratory Regression Analysis results. Esri.
  2. ArcMaps. (2018). Interpreting GWR results. Esri.
  3. ArcGIS Pro. (2019). How Spatial Autocorrelation (Global Moran’s I) works. Esri.
  4. ArcGIS Pro. (2019). What is a z-score? What is a p-value?
  5. Baviskar, A. (2018;2019;). Rethinking environmentalism: Linking justice, sustainability, and diversity. The MIT Press. 86-101.
  6. EPA Gov. (2015). Dasymetric Toolbox.
  7. Gee & Grant. (2019). In the Dark: the Cost of Canada’s Data Deficit.
  8. Statistics Canada. (2021). 2021 Census dissemination planning: Release plans.
  9. Transit Maps. TransLink. (n.d.). Retrieved December 16, 2021, from  
  10. Tru Libraries. (2021). Canadian Census. 

Lastly, we wholeheartedly thank the continuous help of our professor, Brian Klinkenberg, and teaching assistant, Billy Brown throughout the construction of this project.