Alcea rosea

Alcea rosea

Close up of Alcea rosea flower

Close up of Alcea rosea flower

Common name: hollyhock

Family name: Malvaceae

Description: Very showy and statuesque plant that forms several tall stalks with large lobed leaves at the base and large funnel shaped flowers blooming above the foliage.

Flower: Large, funnel shaped, hibiscus-like flowers with textured petals; darker towards the centre; ranging in colour from red, pink, purple, yellow, cream and white. Flowering at its peak in July/August.

Foliage: Large, lobed, simple, medium green leaves, alternately arranged.

Growing conditions: full sun, humus rich, well-drained soil.

Height and spread: 1.3-2m by 0.3-0.6m

Limitations: Can be prone to rust disease if grown in the same place for more than a few years in a row.

Landscape uses: This plant has a lot of good qualities: it gives a strong vertical axis in the garden, and is substantial enough to make an impact with just a few plants. The flowers are very prominent and come in a multitude of colours, making it valuable in a perennial border. It also attracts beneficial insects like bees and other pollinators.

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