Artemisia absinthum

Artemisia absinthum    Artemisia absinthum

Common name: wormwood

Family name: Asteraceae

Description: Tall stalks with silver-green foliage that has a frothy, airy texture, and small yellow grey flowers.

Flower: Yellowish grey, not showy.

Foliage: Silver green in colour, deeply incised, pinnately divided, and covered in silky hairs. Leaves are aromatic when crushed.

Growing conditions: Full sun; almost no irrigation as that tends to lead to floppy plants.

Height and spread: 1.5m by 1m

Limitations: Can get root rot if too moist, and becomes floppy with too much moisture.

Landscape uses: Good in herbaceous borders and the silver green foliage combines well with pink and blue flowers; tall statuesque plant with a frothy texture to the foliage. Good selection for areas with poor, dry soil.

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