Calamagrostis x acutiflorus ‘Karl Forster’

Calamagrostis acutiflorus

Calamagrostis x acutiflorus 'Karl Forster'

Common name: Karl Forster feather seed grass

Family name: Poaceae

Description: clump forming grass with upright, narrow, flat green leaves from which tall, feather,  pink inflorescence sprout in summer, followed by persistent tan coloured fruit.

Flower: summer blooming, pink to purple colour and are held on tall stalks reaching 1.5m  in height and have a feathery appearance; fruits mature to a tan golden colour and persist through the winter.

Foliage: green leaves are flat narrow and tall, reaching almost 1m in height.

Growing conditions: medium to wet soils in full sun, some light shade ok

Height and spread: 1-1.5m tall

Limitations:  weedy grasses can become established in the crown, so requires some maintenance; becomes floppy if grown in too much shade.

Landscape uses: architectural accent, screening; inflorescence has a pleasant hazy aspect, while providing a vertical axis in the landscape.

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