Echium vulgare

Echium vulgare

Echium vulgare   Echium vulgare flower

Common name: viper’s bugloss

Family name: Boraginaceae

Description: Upright and bristly biennial with purple-blue, bell shaped flowers and hairy, lanceolate, green leaves. Plant has an overall bush-like habit.

Flower: Bell-shaped, violet-blue flowers held in dense spikes, or ‘helicoide cyme.’ New flower buds appear pink.

Foliage: Green, lanceolate leaves covered in hairs.

Growing conditions: Needs a dry, sunny location.

Height and spread: 0.5-1m by 0.5-1m

Landscape uses: Grown for its beautiful violet-blue flowers. It can look a bit spread-y and messy so it may not be suitable for a very formal garden. Looks good in a meadow-like setting. E.vulgare is an excellent be attracting plant.

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