Iberis umbellata

Iberis umbellata

Iberis ubellata

Common name: globe candytuft

Family name: Brassicaceae

Description: Umbel shaped blooms ranging from purple to pink to white with small, lanceolate green leaves.

Flower: Umbels in purple-pinks, turn brown and seed filled around August. Seeds will drop and return in the next season.

Foliage: Small, lanceolate green leaves.

Growing conditions: Can’t be too moist over winter, or the seeds will rot in the ground; need protection from the north east; full sun to part shade; moist, well-drained, fertile soil.

Height and spread: 0.3m by 0.25m.

Limitations: Would not be elegant enough for a more formal garden.

Landscape uses: Great hardy annual for borders, beds. The range of colours that are possible with this plant are one of its strong points; deep purple to lavender to white and pink, all arising from the same area. A very friendly looking plant.

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