Lonicera japonica ‘Halliana’

Lonicera japoinca halliana

Lonicera japonica 'Halliana' foliage

Common name: Hall’s honeysuckle

Family name: Caprifoliaceae

Description: Evergreen climbing vine with dark green, ovate leaves and white, tubular flowers that give off a lemony scent.

Flower: Delicate, tubular, white flowers with a lemony scent that bloom on the tips of the branches. Flowers mature to a yellow colour. Berries are glossy black in colour.

Foliage: Oppositely arranged, attractive, dark green leaves with entire margins and ovateĀ in shape.

Growing conditions: Full sun to part shade; medium to low water use; drought tolerant once established;

Height and spread: 4-8m by 1-1.5m

Limitations: Can be invasive in other climates, but is fine in Vancouver. A little tender; at -10 C it drops its leaves. Abundance of flowers dependent on amount of sunlight; with more shade, flowers decrease. Is a very vigorous plant, and can be considered aggressive.

Landscape uses: One of the few evergreen vines that can be grown in Vancouver. Has a beautiful lemony scent. This plant doesn’t need a lot of looking after to look good, so it is suitable for landscapes that have little maintenance. Can be used as a ground cover.

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