Origanum ‘Barbara Tingey’

Origanum 'Barbara Tingey'

Origanum 'Barbara Tingey' bloom origanum 'Barbara Tingey'

Common name: round leaved oregano

Family name: Lamiaceae

Description: Low growing ground cover with long stems and rounded, blue green leaves and unusual pinecone-shaped bracts bearing tiny lavender coloured flowers.

Flower: Small, pale purple flowers that are clustered among pale pink and green bracts, that form a pinecone-like shape. Long flowering season.

Foliage: Aromatic, blue/grey/green leaves that have a rounded shape.

Growing conditions: Full sun; gritty, well-draining soil; drought tolerant.

Height and spread: 0.1-0.5m by 0.1-0.5m

Limitations: Cannot be grown in the shade.

Landscape uses: Looks good in amongst rocks or hanging over the edge of a wall or container which accentuates the unusual blooms. Looks good with purple-blue flowers. The blue-green foliage contrasts with the pinky purple flowers in a very eye-catching way. This plant has a long blooming season from summer to early fall, when many other plants are finished flowering, making it valuable for it’s bloom. Attracts beneficial insects such as bees.

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