Santolina rosmarinifolia

Santolina rosmarinifolius    Santolina rosmarinifolia

S. rosmarinifolia can be seen in the background

S. rosmarinifolia can be seen in the background

Common name: green cotton lavender

Family name: Asteraceae

Description: spreading evergreen subshrub with tiny, green leaves and dense, button like yellow flower heads held on long stems; forms neat rounded mounds.

Flower: flowers mid-summer; form dense yellow buttons and are profuse all over the plant, giving it a very fluffy, airy appearance.

Foliage: leave resemble that of rosmarinus officinalis, very narrow; green with a silvery sheen.

Growing conditions: adapted to full sun and well drained hillsides.

Height and spread: 0.6m by 1.0m

Limitations: shrub can split when it grows too big. Situating it on a hillside or slope eliminates this problem.

Landscape uses: sunny well drained slopes, rock gardens; along a pathway; planted in masses to take full advantage of the hazy effect of the yellow flowers and the mounding form; planted with lavenders so the similar forms of the plants complement each other while the colours of the flowers contrast nicely.

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