Lilium martagon

lilium martagon

Lilium martagon

Common name: martagon lily

Family name: Liliaceae

Description: L. martagon forms clumps of erect stems bearing whorls of lanceolate leaves and nodding, pale orange flowers with recurved petals in early summer.

Flower: Dusky, pale orange, recurved petals with brown spots that resemble freckles numerous towards the centre of the flower. Long stamens hold orange-brown pollen well away from the flower. Nodding flowers give the plant a delicate quality that implies gentle movement.

Foliage: Medium green, slender, lanceolate leaves.

Growing conditions: Full sun to part shade; moist but well-drained, humus rich soil.

Height and spread: 1-1.5m by 0.5-1m

Limitations: Lilies need deep, rich soil to thrive, which is not often found in public landscapes, for instance.

Landscape uses: This lily looks at home in a woodland landscape or a wildflower meadow.

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