Gunnera manicata

Gunnera manicata

Gunnera manicata

Common name: gunnera, giant rhubarb

Family name: Gunneraceae

Description: Huge, tropical-looking plant with massive basal leaves that can reach 3m across. Clump forming with leaves resemble that of a rhubarb, or almost an umbrella shape, with an extremely coarse texture and deep venation. Petioles are spiny, surrounding a thick flower spike.

Flower: inflorescence forms a spike; produces red drupes as fruit.

Foliage: Leaves are as described above, with a sandpapery texture, and dark green colour. They form an umbrella like habit that is quite striking.

Growing conditions: Full sun to part shade; humus rich soil; high moisture content i.e. at the edge of a pond.

Height and spread: 2-3m by 3-4m

Limitations: Such a large plant is only suited to large sites, such as parks, institutional settings, and large private gardens. Also requires a wet site, such as near a water feature. Not hardy, so in Vancouver, cannot grow above 100m elevation, and requires winter maintenance as follows: cut the leaves back before they wither and place them upturned over the crown of the plant to protect it in winter.

Landscape uses: Accent plant, Aquatic – ponds, Screening, Specimen plant, Waterside planting, Wetland – bogs

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