In response to “McDonald’s and the Path to Environmental-Friendliness”


This post is a response to Sara Chitsaz’s analysis post on McDonald’s.

I agree with all that Sara has to say about the multi-billion dollar company. I liked her point about the success of McDonald’s that was aided by their playing into their image of cheap food and fast service, but that now, given the changing social climate based around healthy eating and sustainability, they might want to continue altering their strategy.

Another interesting layer to add on top of this is a recent news story on CTV that reported a survey that revealed McDonald’s to be one of the favourite restaurants in Canada. While I knew about the obvious popularity and brand power of McDonald’s, I never knew that people thought of McDonald’s so highly. It seems as though people appreciate the consistency of McDonald’s, both in terms of food and service.  Another interesting point that was made was the fact that McDonald’s beat Starbucks in the “best tasting coffee” category – an impressive feat. This truly shows how far McDonald’s has come.

Everyone knows that McDonald’s has established their name. Maintaining their trend of innovation and growth will only lead to more success for them in the fast-food industry.

Original Post:

Works Cited:

“McDonald’s, Tim Hortons Emerge as Favourite Restaurants in Canada: Study.” CTVNews. Bell Media, 3 Oct. 2014. Web. 05 Oct. 2014.

*Image found via Google image search

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