First Nations People of Canada – Crucial Stakeholders

This fairly recent news story, found in the Vancouver Sun, is a good example of how the values of stakeholders can clash – or coincide – with a business, and ultimately play a huge role in the business’s strategy.

In any business deal made on First Nations territory, the First Nations themselves are and should be the primary stakeholders.

For companies that want to make deals involving First Nations and their land, it is crucial that they involve the First Nations people themselves.

It is natural that the First Nations would want to reap some financial benefits from projects such as the Northern Gateway Pipeline. Perhaps more than anyone else, they need a secure form of employment – thus it is understandable for them to feel the need to get payout, especially from projects of a risky nature such as the NGP.

However, their territory is important to them for reasons that are far less monetary: tradition and culture.

Living in Comox, which has a large and proud First Nations community (the K’omoks First Nations), I have been exposed to a lot of First Nations culture. These people truly do believe in the concept of environmental sustainability. Being “one with the land” is a vital part of their tradition, and it is well known that upholding tradition is an important factor to them.

As the Environmental Stewardship segment of the Assembly of First Nations states, “while the pursuit of economic opportunities for First Nations and others must be supported, this must be done in a way that retains a balance with the environment. Economic activity cannot come at the expense of environmental sustainability.” (Assembly of First Nations)

Another point is that, given the public image of First Nations people in Canadian society today, and the public’s general goal to help preserve and sustain a culture that has been continually destroyed throughout Canada’s history, it could be crucial to a company’s image and reputation to respect First Nations’ wants and opinions.

Works Cited:

“Environmental Stewardship.” – Policy Areas. Assembly of First Nations, n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2014.

Hoekstra, Gordon. “‘There Will Be No Pipeline’ – In the Heart of Nak’azdli Territory, There Is a Steely Resolve — the People Are Firmly against Northern Gateway.” Postmedia Network Inc., 16 Aug. 2014. Web. 05 Oct. 2014.

Moore, Dene. “First Nation Officially Rejects Northern Gateway.” The Huffington Post., Inc., 11 Apr. 2014. Web. 06 Oct. 2014.





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