Job satisfaction

Today, there are more companies getting realize the fact that firms’ profit can be directly affected by employees’ job satisfaction. Usually those companies with low job satisfaction Have to face the problem like high job turnover rate, low productivity, and wasting resources. For creating better workplaces for employees, companies have to better understand their employee’s value in their job. Basically, the companies have to investigate what do their employees actually want and what do they really care about.

By reading the several surveys conducted by different institution at different time, I conclude the most 10 recurring factors correlates to employees’ job satisfaction, and re-ranked the order based on my own thoughts.

  1. Job Security
  2. Good relationship with supervisors and colleagues
  3. Attractive fixed salary
  4. Interesting job content
  5. Job stress
  6. Appreciation for your work
  7. Good work- life balance
  8. Company’s financial stability
  9. Company values
  10. Learning and career development

It’s beneficial for firms to make their employees to feel secured and stable about their own jobs. To better understand this, we can contrast the performance between those part-time workers with formal staffs. Usually, the part-time workers are dealing with the most basic works of the firms, thus they can be easily taken place by any others. Without any job security, the part-time workers only focus on getting their job done in the given period. However, those established workers with stable working pattern are more likely to keep improving themselves in order to get promoted in the company.

Only when employees are sharing a strong bond with each other, they are more likely to corporate well and increasing the company’s productivity.

The reason that we work 24 hours and seven is because we need the money to keep our lives going. The amount of salaries that we get paid directly affect our lives quality. Thus, salary has been one of the most important factors that employees take accounts when they are considering about accepting a new job. The high turnover rate harms firms’ long-term growth.

Employees are much motivated and passionate when they are working on interesting job contents. Like the old saying “Money cannot buy anything”, rather than only offering high salaries to keep those Significant employees, it’s better for companies to catch those employees ‘real appetites.

Workers fail to manage their emotion under the high job stress. As long as negative emotion exists, workers fail of achieving high efficiency, or the situation can be even worse than our expectation.


Word Counted: 419



Morgan, Jacob. “The Top 10 Factors For On-The-Job Employee Happiness.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 23 Jan. 2015. Web. 06 Feb. 2017. <>.http:/

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