What Motivates Me?

Claire Chen mentions about her motivation of doing schoolwork in her blog “are you a procrastinator?”. I am going to talk about my motivation in team work and individual assignment.

Let’s first talk about what motivates me working hard in a team. First the relationship between members is really important to me, which influence my performance in a team. I want to contrast the two groups that I have been worked with in the past.  The experience of working with the first group was a nightmare. Group members always late for meetings, even after everyone were there nobody willing to start the conversation. We just sat there and killed time with phones. For the first several times, I came to group meeting with the individual works that they assigned to me in last meeting, and realized that there was no one else got their jobs done.  After this kind of situation happened for several times, I started being just like my team mates, and did not feel guilty for my behavior at all.  Conversely, after I was teamed up with several diligent, creative, and high-efficient students, I felt the pressure came from my teammates.  I started to take as much as works as I can, arrive at our meeting, place earlier, and participate in every discussion. I even feel guilty and stressed out for not making equal amount of contribution as my teammates. To sum up, my teammates’ performance is my best motivation of being hard working.

I am a 100% procrastinator, so I usually work extra harder before the due date and test. So the limited time and grades are my best motivation for studying harder.


words counted: 280

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