Lessons for the Corporate Presenter

Do you agree or disagree with Al Gore’s viewpoint from the “An Inconvenient Truth?” Take this is a rhetoric question, because regardless we can all agree that he
might be another presenter extraordinaire. It may seem boring to watch a movie on Vice President, Al Gore, touring a Powerpoint Presentation on global warming; however, this topic of extreme importance, but not extreme excitement for most people is taken to a new level as Al Gore wins an Academy Award by bringing forth this engaging delivery. Corporate presenters should take note of the following lessons of a presentation so powerful that it appears on the Oprah Winfrey show, in theatres, best selling DVDs, and wins an Oscar. First, visuals rule over text whether it’s through the form of photographs, videos, diagrams, or data graphs. Second, the number of slides is irrelevant. After watching his presentation it would not seem as if 266 slides were needed to make his point. Third, focus on the audience, and not yourself. Fourth, direct the audience to your point. Fifth, use a remote. These points very closely relate to the presentation given in
class that focused on the following five points towards a successful Powerpoint: set goals, develop content, structure content, design content, and deliver your presentation. Overall, an exceeds expectation presentation should make an impact on your audience.

Video: Al Gore – Global Warming in 10 mins

Word count: 220



Fall 2010 Ad Campaign Photo - Joel Primus models his own line!


Naked Boxer Brief appeared on Dragon’s Den in attempt to launch a men’s underwear line. Joel Primus, an entrepreneur, presents a simple line of boxers, briefs, and boxer briefs. Based on an article I came across titled, “Naked Boxer Brief – An Xpress Review by Guys’ Underwear Blog,” I am able to analyse Joel Primus as an entrepreneur and his business. This male underwear blog describes the Naked brand in a positive tone in regards towards its brand image. As Naked is selling at higher price points around $38-$44 for different styles, Chris, author of the blog states that “Of course, products with an above average price usually carry the image of an above average quality, but they don’t always live up to that image. Naked does.”
Further, he goes on to say that the main point of his review is that Naked underwear is one of the highest quality brands on the market today. During Joel Primus’s presentation during class, he had mentioned to always start high in the market and then you will be able to enter at lower levels with ease. For example, Primus sets his product at a level such as Holt Renfrew, where his product will be valued higher compared to if it had begun in Wal-Mart. This enables Primus to charge at a higher price point for his product. In order for Primus to succeed as an entrepreneur his advice is to always be passionate about what you do and believe in it.

KPMG & Organizational Structure

Based on the article posted by KPMG on, “People and Change,” the third-largest accounting firm describes their wide range of services concerning organizational structure, optimization, human resources management and change management for various companies. These services relate to concepts we have learnt in class. For example, KPMG is considered a big firm with an organizational structure depicted through the diagram below:

Out of these two structures, KPMG is diagram (B) because it is a “Big Firm;” therefore, the company will be able to hold more people and positions at each level. Ultimately, this means that an individual would rather work in (B) compared to (A) because it’s easier to advance, holds more opportunities, and there are more people for you to outshine. Organizational structure (A) includes small or boutique firms where there are very few people at each level and less opportunities.

Thus, KPMG’s organizational structure optimization team has the ability to assist companies in solving tactical issues. Head of Management Consulting, Howard Polinski, says that there are “seven tests for organizational structures” using KPMG’s internal methodology. These seven groups of services include: organizational structure diagnostics, development of a corporate centre model, development of a compensation system, change management, corporate culture assessment, and communications management.


Apple – The Entrepreneurial Giant

Apple is considered to be entrepreneurial because the company exhibits many characteristics based on the class reading. Apple’s main entrepreneurial element is innovation; other ventures include the company’s wealth creation generated by several million dollars in profit, rapid wealth generation in a short time frame, high risks, and the competitive advantage that innovation ensues over small businesses. Innovation is an emphasis that entrepreneurs highlight, which is an input factor that Apple capitalizes on. Apple is one of the foremost companies in technological advancements as the retail giant constantly develops new products, new production methods, new markets, and new forms of organization. Based on Schumpeter’s definition of entrepreneurship, the function of an entrepreneur expects that the cost of inputs is recovered by the superior returns received from the value that consumers place on the innovative factors of the product or service. Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, was an entrepreneur’s inspiration; he revolutionized the information technology industry. Thus, Jobs was deemed as “the most innovative entrepreneur of our generation” (Globe and Mail).


Word Count: 170

Stocks, Dividends, and Portfolios!

The external business blog, “Five Stocks Building Future Yields,” states an interesting view on five companies currently building higher future yields: Wal-Mart, McDonalds, PepsiCo, Philip Morris International, and Medtronic. This blog was useful in clarifying the decision-making process of investors. Investors consider not only the price of the portfolio today, but if it will maintain purchasing power in the future and create a long-lasting dividend producing portfolio. After discussing finance in class, a stock is a legal contract signed between an investor and a company; investors receive access to future cash flow. Cash flow is usually presented as dividends, which is a return on capital where profits are paid out to shareholders of a corporation. I have learnt from this blog that future dividend income is dependent not on the yield, but on the payment that the security distributes. Investors should evaluate a company’s ability to generate higher-earnings over time. Companies generating high-earnings in the future will be able to increase dividend payments. Without this crucial step anyone could collect a portfolio of stocks that have a high current yield. A main concept learnt in class defines finance as paying more money today to generate higher-earnings in the future. For example, Wal-Mart stores are a good investment as the company has raised dividend for thirty-seven years now, whilst differentiating themselves from competitors by offering the lowest retail price to customers. Wal-mart maintain this competitive advantage through its scale of operation by commanding lower prices from suppliers indicating low supplier power because Wal-Mart has the power in this relationship.

Word Count: 258