Do you agree or disagree with Al Gore’s viewpoint from the “An Inconvenient Truth?” Take this is a rhetoric question, because regardless we can all agree that he
might be another presenter extraordinaire. It may seem boring to watch a movie on Vice President, Al Gore, touring a Powerpoint Presentation on global warming; however, this topic of extreme importance, but not extreme excitement for most people is taken to a new level as Al Gore wins an Academy Award by bringing forth this engaging delivery. Corporate presenters should take note of the following lessons of a presentation so powerful that it appears on the Oprah Winfrey show, in theatres, best selling DVDs, and wins an Oscar. First, visuals rule over text whether it’s through the form of photographs, videos, diagrams, or data graphs. Second, the number of slides is irrelevant. After watching his presentation it would not seem as if 266 slides were needed to make his point. Third, focus on the audience, and not yourself. Fourth, direct the audience to your point. Fifth, use a remote. These points very closely relate to the presentation given in
class that focused on the following five points towards a successful Powerpoint: set goals, develop content, structure content, design content, and deliver your presentation. Overall, an exceeds expectation presentation should make an impact on your audience.
Video: Al Gore – Global Warming in 10 mins
Word count: 220