Rupert Murdoch “The News of the World” Scandal

In the Rupert Murdoch scandal, his tabloid newspaper “The News of the World” was publishing material illegally. This information was found by private investigators hired by News of the World to ferret out headline material ( For example, at the site of where soldiers were killed in Afghanistan and Iraq, telephone numbers of the soldier’s families was found on file by a private detective hired by the newspaper. This information was reported by The Telegraph. Rupert Murdoch’s News International was also accused for hacking into people’s (chief executives, lawyers, celebrities, etc) personal telephone lines and messages to gain headlines for the newspaper. The main ethical issue results from the immoral fact of how the company obtained confidential material for the newspaper. News International violated the public’s right of personal privacy as well as corporate responsibility towards honesty, respect, and integrity.

Word Count: 144

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