Calling for More than Money

UN Logo

If the United Nations were fully funded, it would be the global saviour as it removes all financial insufficiencies and eradicates poverty globally.  NGO’s and governments would never have to worry about funding.  However, this is the ultimate solution our world strives to achieve, but not the only result we wish to obtain.

While the UN can facilitate funding, it gives rise to one problem – interminable funding.  If the UN were to provide locals with sums of money to improve their quality of life, this is an impractical solution.  Without educating locals how to live independent of aid and succeed individually, they would not be able to progress further.  Locals would forever be dependent of the UN and this vicious cycle only continues in future generations.


On the other hand, the ARC and social enterprise focus on a “two-way exchange of knowledge and business skills” and equip communities with tools that they can further.  They identify and attack the root of problems rather than gifting quick fixes.  In other words, they focus on the process not the product onlyThey strive to create value and increase social welfare.  Furthermore, this two way exchange facilitates mutual growth and increases economic welfare as both parties gain off each other.

The UN would definitely be an asset to launching projects and providing short term support, but the Arc and social enterprise is the sustainable and fruitful solution in the long run.  Therefore, our world needs both.

Abs or Apps?

fitness apps

The purpose of physical activity is to free people from sedimentary lifestyles and escape technology, yet smartphones have become ubiquitous and found its way to potentially replace the fitness industry.

Personal trainers design workouts for clients, catering to their specific goals and body requirements.  In other words, workouts should be customized and different for everyone. How can a smartphone app be effective if it is designed to target the general population? Is it reliable to use an app created by developers with minimal or no health background? Workouts are designed to change human behaviour, yet researchers have found that fitness apps seldom incorporate such techniques.  So…will users ever gain that six pack?


I believe that the purpose of working out is to better one’s lifestyle physically and mentally. The goal is to improve or change bad practices so people can learn when or how to make correct choices (in health and life in general).  For example, personalized workouts train individuals to invest in physical activity and to budget caloric intake.  If people over consume, they gain a few extra pounds.  Similarly in life, people must make wise decisions.  Otherwise, they face unpleasant consequences.  Therefore, I view working out as an analogy to life.  Since people hold different problem solving skills and response methods, everyone’s approach to a challenge is unique; hence, workouts cannot be unanimous or generalized because human behaviour is not.

However, with technology growing faster than ever, apps may possibly be our future fitness experts.

Hey That’s My Problem Too!


Having been featured on Forbes and Wall Street Journal, The Broke and Beautiful Life blog has undoubtedly caught my attention with its remarkable posts.  A New Yorker, blogger, and theatre actress, Stephanie shares real life experiences of financial dilemmas typical a college student battles.  I find it always helpful to understand how others cope with similar struggles and learn off one another.  Stephanie’s examples are straightforward and easily relatable.  She provides clear and logical arguments with practical advice to consider.   Most importantly, her style of writing is captivating, which provided me a strong sense of feasibility towards her recommendations.

In “Is Assuming the Worst Keeping You From Saving Money?”, Stephanie thoroughly discusses assumptions and risks.  Having discussed risks in class, I still find myself lost whenever I imagine myself in a position where I need to make a vital monetary decision; a decision that could earn a fortune or rob everything I had.  Savings is definitely an essential component of my personal finances and I am eager to learn how to thrive in this respect.  A viable suggestion Stephanie has noted is: to assume less and research more.  This suggestion not only questioned my financial decisions but my method of performing tasks in general.  It leads me to realize how I draw conclusions too quickly and am overly conservative at times.  After all, life would not be colourful if risks did not exist.