While visiting the UBC campus we found at least 8 kinds of trees and many beautiful flowers with colours including pink, yellow, purple, red, brown, orange white and blue. The landscape is also picturesque and we can also see many examples of fauna, including bees, crows, seagulls and various insects.
In general, large areas are covered with neatly cultivated grass. We noticed that people in the UBC community have a culture of respect for the green areas. When walking through campus, one can appreciate the sweet-smelling flowers and the animals they attract, both co-existing in harmony.
The soil is a complex ecosystem with a diverse community of organisms; including some species of animals, plants, flowers, trees, insects, etc.
We think that the flora and fauna in the area are able to thrive because of the moderate climate. Some truly magnificent views can be experienced amongst the university’s various beautiful gardens.
By Fiorella, Elen, Roberta, Andres and David